20 Shocking Books in School Library in Fayetteville, Arkansas
Twenty Shocking Books at Fayetteville, Arkansas School Library
(Summaries of all 20 below - 35 more even worse at this link) http://www.wpaag.org/Books%20%2035%20Bad%20Books%202nd%20List.htm More Like Them To Come Later
Link to Sign Petition Opposing Pornographic Library Books Contact Person: Laurie Taylor laurie@mtconstruction.com
Titles and author of each book in bold blue print Doing It by Melvin Burgess Copyright 2003. Has a picture of couple having sex on front cover. For 12 years and up. Opening paragraphs:
Dino and Ben recoiled in disgust. Jenny was known as the ugliest girl in the school but the beggar woman was filthy. Her teeth! “You are so gross,” said Ben disgustedly. Jonathan acknowledged the compliment smugly and nodded. He was the King of this...”At least they’re both female,” said Dino.
“And you have to do oral sex on her, too.” “ You never said anything abut oral sex,” said Ben. “Oral sex until she comes.” Review of Book "Doing It" Melvin Burgess, author of Smack, has written what is potentially the most controversial young adult novel ever. Doing It is an honest and funny book about three teenage British boys learning about themselves and life through their sexual experiences. But here's the catch: the story is told from the point of view of the hormone-sodden young males, naughty bits and all. ,,, Ben finds himself steeped in a dilemma of a different sort. His 20-something drama teacher chooses him to be her secret sexual playmate... And Ben is living every teenage boy's dream, an affair with a lusty teacher--but somehow it's getting to be too much of a good thing. Link to this from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0805075658/qid=1119271033/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/102-0002868-0174577
Fayetteville School Library has the following:
502 books listed under
sex but only 152 books
on drugs and 93 on smoking.
66 books on sex
53 books listed under homosexuality
23 books on lesbians
3 books listed under abstinence or
sexual abstinence
25 listed under homosexuality fiction
11 books listed under lesbian fiction
16 books listed under rape fiction
9 books listed under incest fiction
209 books listed under
witches fiction
as opposed to
2 books listed under Jewish Fiction,
2 books listed under Afro American Fiction.
1 book listed under Indian fiction.
1 book listed under Hispanic Fictin
3 books listed under multicultural fiction.
0 books listed under abstinence fiction
(We could find very little in the library about the STD's or health
problems association with promiscuity. There was no listing in the card
catalog for promiscuity, promiscuous, immorality, sexual addiction, sex
addicts or STD's. You would think with 502 books on sex there would be
something associated with the problems of teenage sex.
For those who didn't already know, now you know what Diversity Means!!!
The promotion of the homosexual agenda!!!
___________________________________________ Following is a list of twenty books in Fayetteville School Library that contain vile, obscene language, anti religious themes - like asking yourself "what would Jesus not do" and writers who are anti religious. Homosexuality, restroom sex, sex addicts, sex with AIDS victims, bisexuality (threesome relations), transgender sexual orientation, bestialty, and raw sex scenes that can't be included here - , books that were partially published in Playboy, books that will give some proceeds to Gay and Lesbian Groups are part of the mixture.
One book is described by editors' review as a "witty, sexy, romp," another as having "raw street savy humor." Reviews also describe some of these books as "the most controversial young adult novel ever"; "one of the most censored and controversial teen novels, " "A sure-to-be controversial volume on inducting self- and professed homosexual teenagers into the gay and lesbian culture of the 1990's."
However, the words of the books themselves included below will give the picture better than any of the reviews. Much of the raw sex in the books can't be printed here so reviews were necessary to give a short summary. However enough is included to shock you and give you a picture of what is in the school library these days. In an age where STD's are rampant and deadly and on the increase, adults are enticing our children into lifestyles that in essence are slaughtering our children.
Before you begin on this list, you may want to go to this link and see the first three books that a parent, Laurie Taylor, brought to the attention of the Fayetteville School District. A secular radio talk host in Little Rock had Laurie Taylor on his program and told his audience that in their wildest imagination they could not visualize the pictures they put in 3rd grade sex education books and invited them to go to the link and look at them. Link to these Pictures: http://www.wpaag.org/Books%20-%20Pornographic%20in%20Sch.%20Library.htm
You can go to this link which is the Fayetteville online catalog and find the book is on the shelf. http://falcon.fayar.net/search/t?SEARCH=Rainbow+High Or go to this link http://falcon.fayar.net/screens/opacmenu.html and go to title and type in Rainbow High. You can type in the name of any book to see if they have it in the library at this last link.
To find these book (or other controversial books) on Amazon.com and get reviews of it, you go to www.Amazon.com and type in the title. When the book comes up, click the title and it will give a quote and after the quote and will say "more" You can then read several pages from the book. This is a helpful technique for looking up controversial books. They also have underneath the book different reviews and even pro and con reviews by people who have read the book.
Choke by Palahniuk
– Portions of this book have previously appeared in PLAYBOY from Amazon.com. information. . Copyright 2001 Anchor Books Edition, June 2002 on title page.
Excerpts from Choke.
"For sex addicts your tits, your dick, your clit, or tongue or asshole is a shot of heroin, always there, always ready to use."
“The truth is, sex isn't sex unless you have a new partner every time. The first time is the only session when your head and body are both there. Even the second hour of that first time, your head can start to wander. You don't get the full anesthetic quality of good first-time anonymous sex.”
“Just keep asking yourself: "What would Jesus not do?"
“In the summer of
1642 in Plymouth, Massachusetts,
teenage boy was accused of buggering a mare, a cow, two goats, five sheep, two
calves, and a turkey.
This is
real history on the books. In accordance with the Biblical laws of Leviticus,
after the boy confessed he was forced to watch each animal being slaughtered.
This was before there were sexaholic talk therapy meetings.
Following this is a
passage so vile like many passages it can’t be printed here. It is written in
stream of consciousness style, and the best this writer could understand it,
this protagonist is teaching children but is maturbating in his mind while he is
doing so. He describes in obscene language every action he visualizes in his
From Library Journal In the course of his three novels (e.g., Fight Club), Palahniuk has become a master of depicting the dark and depraved underbelly of our society through the voices of mordantly existential protagonists. Choke is no exception. This time around, readers are ushered into a world of sexaholics, historical theme parks, and other bizarre matters by Victor Mancini, a medical school dropout who has resorted to fake choking in restaurants in order to pay the hospital expenses for his elderly mother, Ida. Some readers may be shocked and even repulsed by much of the subject matter here. .
From Booklist The people who save him feel responsible for his life and send money whenever they can. Also, he is a sex addict, engaging in shockingly lewd acts of physical gratification in the bathroom across the hall from his Sexaholics Anonymous meeting.
This book was very mediocre at best. I think that the author covers up the poor execution of his novel here with graphic language. I have nothing against an author shocking a reader, but here it is just slathered on so thickly. And its not just that he uses words that will get censored out if I were to post them on Amazon.
Review by Charlie Lamothe Still The Cutting Edge! - Don't Miss it!, June 11, 2005 "Choke" is a marvelous novel. If you have any interest in being on the cutting edge of where literature is going, this is the book you must read.
(God Help Us) _____________________________
Between Lovers by Eric Jerome Dickey. Copyright 2001
Excerpts from Editorial Reviews -
The Sunday Denver Post calls it "A witty, sexy romp"
Publisher's Weekly: This author is riding the wave of a book-signing tour in Oakland, Calif., but is still reeling from the repercussions of being stood up at the altar by seven-year lover and secretly budding lesbian Nicole. . .she quickly moves in with female lover Ayanna, a fiery, cynical attorney. A year later, Nicole gets busy alternating dates with both partners . . . When they all finally come together, there is a dialogue-heavy, war of the roses-style battle for Nicole's heart (sandwiched between some particularly vigorous erotic play, Dickey-style) [That is too vile to print here.].
Young Readers' comment: the part when all three of them were together was the worst threesome i ever read about or seen in my life... I have read a lot of books in my life and this one is at the top of the list as one of the worst
Opening passage of book. " I’m naked. Across the room, in my rented bed, Nicole is naked too. Her honey-blond locks shadow her face. Next to my open laptop is the novel Lolita, , , I pulled them out a while ago [photos] , propped them upon on top of my cassette recorder, and sat here with my feet bouncing in another chair, my testicles and penis at ease, cold, but ready for play. ...While NWA raps “Fuck the Police in the background...Three times she yawns, each sounding like a soft orgasm, the kind you have when your parents are in the next room. ...The room has hints of frankincense and patchouli, scents Nicole traded in her Chanel No 5 for, earthy and spiritual aromas that remind people of a period of Black Panthers and revolution "
p. 39 "I don't ask if she's rushing to her white-collar job in Emeryville, or running home to see her soft-legged over. Don't ask if she's leaving dick to chase clit." [In reference to the triangle love of the male and female competing for the love of a female.] p. 277 "Why would you want to be in Spain with a one-foot-in-the-closet, one-foot-out-of-the-closet sociopath who lives inside her own little cunt.
Back Cover of the book gives a brief summary of book and says, "But luring her ex back into her life and testing the boundaries between lovers, Nicole is playing with fire. And you'd better believe that the anger, jealousy, excitement, and passion of this triangle are going to run hot. [So librarian should know what is in the book.]
CHEATERS By Eric Jerome Dickey Copyright 1999 Editor's Review Before reviewing this powerful novel, let me caution potential readers that this book contains very explicit sex and violence, extremely foul language, and explores the gamier side of the club and dating life. If such things offend you, consider another novel. .. The book develops primarily from the perspectives of Stephan Mitchell, a man who loves to keep a large number of women on the string, and Chante Ellis, who is in love with falling in love . . . and keeps finding herself with exploitive bums. Donald Mitchell "Your Dream Concierge -- see http://livebetterthanabillionaireon5dollars.blogspot.com/"
"Raw, Street Savy Humor" says Publisher's Weekly - Says this on Back Cover of the Book and other things that indicate the type of book it is.
Publishers Weekly For example, Stephan (the leading male protagonist) is a computer programmer who switches women as fast as he does lanes on the freeway, and when he finds one that he really likes, the skeletons in his closet begin to fall out, bone by bone. Cheaters is Dickey's sexy, sassy, and sharp-tongued new novel. Taking a dip into the Los Angeles singles scene, Dickey treats us to a totally uncensored, uninhibited, and outrageously entertaining adventure in seduction, betrayal, heartbreak, revenge, and oh-so-sweet true love. "What distinguishes Dickey from the pack is his hip prose, which crackles with wit and all the rhythm of an intoxicatingly funky rap." __________________________
The Other Woman by Eric Jerome Dickey.
Excerpt: ... My marriage is supposed to be my place of solace, not a place of fucking grief, and my husband is supposed to my friend, not my fucking enemy. Choose which one you wanna be."
Review Dickey offers plenty of straight-on sex and violence, but also probes questions of contemporary morals and the psychology of betrayal, writing compellingly and believably from his heroine's point of view
The Homo Handbook – Getting In Touch With Your Inner Homo by Judy Carter – A survival guide for Lesbians and Gay Men, Copyright 1996
The following is from a list on the front cover of Homo Handbook by Judy Carter. Ten Steps You Will Learn: “How To Get Laid: Top gay Internet sites: Bigot Bashing Made Easy: Are you Gay -Take the Gay Test; Getting Gay Relationships to Last Longer Than a Bic Pen: Snappy Comeback to Stupid Bible Quotes.”
“Coming out is fun. Straight people don’t know what they are missing.”
“Top Excuses For Staying in the Closet. I’m not gay; I was just drunk. It is amazing to me how many people are gay only when they are drunk."
First page of book gives some advantages of coming out: other gay people will feel safe to hit on you, you will get to be on talk show hosts, you’ll get to run for office because you will be the only candidate that isn’t hiding anything, you will be invited by straight people to liven up the party, it’s fun having your own float in a gay parade. (This paragraph closely paraphrased)
p. 132 ....lonely being gay?” Why, no. There are at least seven others, and we get together each week to plan the gay agenda.” “Now, dear, tell me . . .which one of you does , you know, the man’s things? (The gay agenda is mentioned several times in the book and call the straights the radical right.) __________________________________________
Gays/justice: a study of ethics, society, and law by Richard D. Mohr.
Excerpts from Editorial Reviews
Publishers Weekly
More critical to the substance of his work is the manner in which he [author] allows his personal religious views to affect his arguments. His own distaste for organized religion leads him to conclude that religious gays should step aside and not participate in the struggle for gay rights..... his lack of understanding of the religious issues leaves him unable to see the incredible importance of maintaining a strong religious argument that challenges the religious rhetoric of the Right using shared values and language. Overall, however, I have yet to read a more powerful look into the future of a successful gay rights movement. _______________________
Coming Out in College: The struggle for a queer identity by Robert A. Rhoads At bottom of Front Cover it says, Critical Studies in Educational and Culture Series, Copyright 1994. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual is the phrase used in this book together as a phrase numerous times.
Excerpts from book:
. .politically involved yet at the same time engage in anonymous sex, since it basically encourages someone else to remain closeted." Restroom sex is not the only vehicle for closeted gay and bisexual men to meet other men for relationships. p 73 Another student, now in his early 20s, has engaged in restroom sex since he was 14 years old. This student described restroom sex as sex with a stranger whom one typically meets ..." p. 72
First page of book: The term “queer” is an identifier adopted by a majority of the gay students who will be heard throughout this work. For these students, identifying as queer connotes a sense of pride and openness about one’s same-sex desires as well as a degree of hostility toward heterosexism....This attitude was expressed by Shane some nine months ago after participating in National Coming Out Day: Sometimes I feel like being very out and telling people who have a problem with it to piss off!”
p. 4 of book. “Those those who don’t know where they are. I am sick and tired of being good enough to suck your dick but not good enough to know your name.. I am sick and tired of being good enough to be your friend at a nightclub on a Sunday evening but not good enough to be your friend anywhere else.
“The voices presented thus far were all heard on National Coming Out Day on the campus of Clement University a university with over 30,000 students.... Other students were there to be heard. . “I’ve come out to speak because lots of us here and some of us are queer. Not to mention the fact that I’ve fucking had it up to here. ..There is a lot of shit that goes on in our world, therefore we need all the love we can get. So, how do they justify it all? By calling this love bad love, sinful love , the wrong kind of love. To them I say that’s a fucking oxymoron. There is no such thing as bad love ...I am a bisexual/sensual woman with a “y.” reserve the right to love and to receive love on my terms. (This writer has this question: – does this include pedophile love and bestiality love, sex orgies, restroom sex etc.?)
p. 4 of actual book: “Mall actions” are examples of Browning’s conception of what it means to be queer: Gay men and lesbians, usually in a three-to-one male-to female ration, mount “queer visibility” expeditions, walking hand in hand into stores, shopping a lot, buying a little, and engaging in exaggerated mimicry of the straights who surround them. Occasionally, there is a kiss-in. The look is punk, drag, leather, bleached hair, dyed hair, earrings, ear cuffs, nipple rings, nose pins, scarves, streamers, and balloons. It’s demonstration as picnic, picnic as political action ...For Browning, queer involves a degree of “rage” toward heterosexism and is often expressed in organized political activities. ___________________
GLBTQ : the survival guide for queer & questioning teens by Kelly Huegel Recommended fro grade 7-up
Describes the challenges faced by gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered teens; offers practical advice and real-life experiences; and provides informtion on resources and real-life experiences. Contents listed on the online library GBLTQ basics: Homophobia, Coming Out, Life at school, GLBTQ friends, Dating and relationships, Sex, Your Health, Drugs, alcohol and tobacco, Religion and culture, Work, Transgender teens. It has an entire chapter dealing with transgender teens. The tone is always supportive and matter-of-fact, Huegel's recommendations are sensible and practical, and apposite quotations from young people who have "been there" enrich the text. The book, designed for browsing, also contains an extraordinary number of references to additional resources--many of them online--as well as a glossary and a bibliography. One of the best one-volume sources of information available about being GLBTQ. Michael Cart
.... It also provides excellent, current resources for teens, from crisis lines to 'safe' (moderated) chat sites. From a young reader from Amazon: Transgender issues and stories have their own chapter, as do homophobia and coming out. descriptive paragraphs are broken up by small autobiographical blurbs by young people describing their experiences with the topic at hand, and by smaller essays. From School
Library Journal [Example of how liberal the
professionals - the gatekeepers- are]
Rainbow High by Alex Sanchez recommended for 12 years and up. Copyright 2003
The first two paragraphs read:
"Do you realize," Nelson said, hoping into a pair of freshly washed jeans, "it's my third date with Jeremy and we still haven't had sex." I'll call the Guiness Book of Records," Kyle mumbled as he searched Nelson's jumbled sock drawer for a matching set. "You're going to wait til after your HIV test, right?"
Excerpts o f Editors's Review:
"Sanchez's debut novel chronicles the senior year of three gay teens struggling with issues ranging from coming out to first love to an HIV scare. Nelson and Kyle stand up to their principal for the right to form a gay-straight alliance at their school, and Ages 12-up. (Oct). " Review found on Amazon.com at this link http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0689857705/ref=pd_sim_b_1/102-0002868-0174577?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance ________________________
Rainbow Boys by by Alex Sanchez
This is a book about gay high school boys and their lovers. N says “[my mom] knew before I did. I’m her fucking cause... K [said] he had a crush on a boy at school.. kissed his pillow at night pretending it was him. [tells N who] Gay-dar! gay-dar! Closet case. Big time. At least bi.” -“His mind drifted to images of J in the locker room... his biceps bulging... butt framed by his jockstrap... wrapped his arms around his pillow..” -“..sorry for the 1000th fucking time.” -“how the fuck should I know?” for more http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0689857705/ref=sib_dp_pt/102-8987437-4808160#readerpage _______________________
Am I Blue? Coming Out From the Silence by Marion Dane Bauer Copyright e 1994 Short stories by different noted authors celebrating their homosexuality
Excerpt: First pages of book “It started the day Butch Carrigan decided I was interested in jumping his bones. “You little fruit,” he snarled. “I’ll teach you to look at me!”
Excerpts from Editorial Reviews of Am I Blue, Coming Out From the Silence.
For the first-ever anthology of YA fiction devoted to lesbian and gay themes, Bauer ( On My Honor ) has assembled original stories by a stellar list of popular children's and YA authors, among them M. E. Kerr, Nancy Garden, William Sleator, Jane Yolen, C. S. Adler and Bruce Coville. With subjects ranging from first love to coming out, self-discovery to homophobia, the collection offers an eclectic mix of voices. . . . Part of the proceeds from the book will be donated to Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Ages 12-up.”
Surprisingly, her grandmother is much more accepting of the girl's sexuality since she had visited Nazi Germany under Hitler and knew what it was like to feel excluded.
This is a book i wish i had read when i was 16... and would make a great gift for any young teen - no matter what their sexuality- to teach tolerance and acceptance.
(Writer’s concern. Even if a person had no problem with homosexuality, encouraging students to come out in high school may cause them to do things that they would later regret. We know of a young man who praised the Arkansas Governor’s School in a letter which was put on a web, and he pleaded for it to be removed because it did not fit his present career and lifestyle and could damage his career. It was removed, but this is a perfect example of how these books can harm lives.)
Forever by Judy Blume, Copyright 1975
Excerpts: Opening sentence of the book: "Sybil Davison has a genius I.Q. and has been laid by at least six different guys..."
Front cover of book - A moving story of the end of innocence. Back cover Lovely...graphic...explicit. Editor's Review: Going all the way" is still a taboo subject in young adult literature. Judy Blume was the first author to write candidly about a sexually active teen, and she's been defending teenagers' rights to read about such subjects ever since.
Excerpts from Reviews of young readers says it all: [For complete reviews got to www.amazon.com and type in title of the book and then click on the book.] Comments: Maybe this is perverted but I actually liked the book lots! It's definitely not something that I'd want to read out loud in class or anything but I won't lie and say I put it down. Although I thought it was kinda nasty when Kath is having sex and she says she makes noises doing it, just like her mother! I mean, why would you think about your MOTHER when your HAVING SEX!! Daniell,
Comments: I totally loved this book - even my boyfriend read it.HaHaHa!! It helped us with a lot of difficulties that we had when we had and have sex. I think any female or male teenager can relate to this book.
Comments: The thing I loved about 'Forever' was the way it was so amazingly frank. It told the truth about teenage life and I have to say I have never come across another book like it.
Comments One complaint: Nobody in this book seemed to have any major hang-ups about sex or birth control. Kath's family and friends were eager and open to talk about sex; Kath's grandmother even gave her birth control advice. Now, I don't know of anyone who could be so lucky, so in that respect "Forever" failed to be realistic. . . If you're pretty comfortable about sex, you'll probably enjoy this book. If not, you'll probably cringe and either burn it or secretly continue reading it...
Comments:I think it's a great book but shouldn't be put in an elementary school library because these children are not mature enough to understand what the book is trying to imply. It should be kept away from immature people because it will change somebody else's opinion about sex.
Comments: To tell you the truth, I'm not exactly the "book worm" type person. . .. From the moment I picked up the book and started at page 1, I could not put it down. After I finished the book, I wanted to read it over and over. After reading Forever, I just wanted to keep on reading all of Judy Blume's books. After talking about it to all my friends, they just had to get in on the action and borrowed the book and some even went out and bought it. [The way these good books spread]
Comments: This book was most probably the best book I have ever read!!! I read this book in one night! It brings so many surprises and gives the exact perception of how sex should be. I really want Judy Blume to write a sequel to this book. I would be the first one to buy it!! This book was great and it's a really good book for people who think about engaging in a sexual relationship because they love each other!
Comments: This book was a horrible view of actual love. Love starts way before the bedroom. If a guy doesn't love you with your clothes on, he'll never love you with your clothes off. If you want a real love story, read the Bible.
Comments from: It is definitely only for mature readers, and even though this site recommends it for 12 and up, I think junior high is too young to be reading this novel. You will be able to appreciate better when you're older anyway.
Kissing Kate by Lauren Myracle Copyright 2003 Reviews: Comment: At the end of the book, I was left wondering what the moral, lesson, or message was. The only thing I really picked up was that it was "okay to be gay", and even that theme didn't shine through strongly. Comment: Laruen Myracle is a writer to watch. Her depiction of sixteen-year old Lisa, brave enough to question everything she once took as truth, will delight readers of all ages Comment: While I adore YA novels about queer kids, this one left me a little underwhelmed. I was just never convinced that Lissa and Kate were real people --- the character development was nil. . . For a really good read, rely on the old classic Annie On My Mind --- a book which I still practically keep under my pillow, and which convinced my mom (!) that maybe, maybe this lesbian thing was OK. Comment: Complicating things is the fact that she has these feelings towards her best friend Kate who after arousing desires in Lissa with a kiss now ignores her. _______________________________________________
Children of Horizons by Gilbert Herdt
Excerpts From Editorial Reviews from www.amazon.com
Book Description
From Kirkus Reviews
From Library Journal _______________________
Family Values : Two Moms and Their Son by Phyllis Burke
Copyright 1993 Excerpts from Editorial Reviews
Publishers Weekly
From Kirkus Reviews
Burke had become increasingly drawn to Queer Nation, the activist group that has
used humor and shock tactics- -such as ``queer fashion shows'' at suburban
shopping malls and glitter-tossing demonstrations against the filming of Basic
Instinct--to propel gay and lesbian issues into policy debate and the media.
From Library Journal
Eight Seconds by Jean Ferris
Excerpts from Editorial Reviews
From School Library Journal Gr 9 Up-Between his junior and senior years in high school, John Ritchie and his best friend spend a week at rodeo school. One of the young men there, Kit, strikes John as intensely interesting, both in his graceful, confident demeanor and in his calm attitude toward both bulls and the town bully. After he returns home, John learns that Kit is gay. They meet from time to time during the summer, and at summer's end, John realizes that he is gay as well
Review: Upon returning home from camp, John learns his new friend, challenging him to the core, both about his beliefs about homosexuality and his own internal struggling with it. . . For anyone just coming out, this book shows that path, a small section of it, as a positive step forward.
Review: The book is a step in the right direction for teaching tolerance and breaking down stereotypes. _________________________________
Annie On My Mind: by Nancy GardenCopyright 1982Excerpts from Editorial Reviews:
Published in 1982, Annie on My Mind remains one of the most censored and controversial teen novels., (Booklist Youth, v. 95) Annie On My Mind tells the story of two young women, each with loving families but outsiders at their respective schools, who meet at a museum in New York, quickly becoming friends and, later, lovers. The book is told from the perspective of Liza, a student at a private high school governed by an authoritarian principal. When Liza and Annie get caught making love in the house of two lesbian teachers, not just their lives but others' are irrevocably changed. Young Reader Review: I LOVED.. this book.. it was the first les book I had ever read.. I couldn't put it down until i finished it, and immediately read it again.. I think the author really captured young lesbian love and how it feels at first.. I felt like I was right there with the characters.. I couldn't find anything not to like this book. I'd recommend it to any young adult either les, bi, or anyone trying to understand more about lesbian relationships.. _______________________________
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